Sunday, January 22, 2017

Eleven-plus - 生日快樂!

My little girl is growing up - Amber turned eleven on Saturday:

The day began as most Saturdays do, with my daughter going to her swim class, and my using that time to go for a walk in the park behind the gym where Amber was doing laps in the pool:

Lithuania is a land of crosses

Walking through the woods and passing through one of the gates of the Vilnius Calvary:

Trinapolis Church:

The Neris River:

After lunch I took Amber out to a nearby slope to take advantage of the snowpack while it lasts (today was a balmy 35° F, or 1.7° C, and the snow is beginning to turn into slush):

Given a choice of where she wanted to go for dinner on her birthday, my daughter decided on JHK & DD's Place, Vilnius' only Korean restaurant. Afterward, it was back home to blow out the candles, open the presents, eat some cake and chat with her aunt and grandfather via Skype:

It's a cliche, but it does seem like only yesterday we were pushing her around in a stroller and wondering when her hair would start growing so that she would less resemble her follicly-challenged father. Amber will always be my little girl, but at the same time I look forward to the years to come, and the memories they will bring.

Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Good morning Vilnius!

An old colleague of mine from when we both worked at a kindergarten/bǔxíbān 補習班 in Fēngyuán 豐原 sent these photos via Facebook, taken by him at our apartment eleven years ago not long after Amber had come home from the maternity hospital. 謝謝 Tim!:

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